Travel to away games will require that students are excused from classes, but they are expected to make up any work missed and must adhere to scheduled due dates for assignments.
Students are expected to travel in school vehicles during athletic competition. Transportation will be provided to each event and back to the school. Once students arrive at school, parents are expected to pick up their children within 10 minutes of bus arrival. If parents want their child to be dropped off at a point closer to home, this must be a point along the direct route back to school. Parents must be at the drop off point, or the students will be brought back to school. Students who are being transported by adults, other than their parents, must submit a letter to be approved by the Administration and signed by both the Parent and the adult who is transporting the student.
Students must follow rules for behavior on school buses or they will not be allowed to ride school buses to athletic events.
When an athlete qualifies for a team or after school activity, he/she commits to participate on that team for the entire season. If the student athlete should choose to quit the team, or is removed from the team by a parent, coach, or principal, this will result in the loss of the privilege to participate in any sport for the rest of that season. Students must attend all practices and games unless excused by the coach. Athletes who accumulate three (3) unexcused absences or a total five (5) excused and unexcused absences may be removed from their team pending review of the circumstances. Students may only participate in one sport per season.
The student athlete is responsible for all uniforms or equipment issued to him/her. The student will pay for any article lost or stolen. These items will be cleaned and returned to the coaches within one week upon completion of the season. Students who choose to quit a team shall return their uniforms immediately. The parents of a student who does not return items will be billed for the replacement cost of the missing items.
Ramey student athletes are expected to demonstrate responsible sportsmanship in all athletic competitions, including showing respect for opposing team members, coaches, sports officials, and fans. Failure to comply with standards of good sportsmanship as a player or fan may result in suspension or expulsion from future athletic competition.