Chain of Command

DoDEA's official photo of Mr. Larry Daffin.

Mr. Larry Daffin

201 Arch Road
Aguadilla, PR 00603-1100
United States

Ramey Unit School Assistant Principal, Dexter Lee, Official Photo

Mr. Dexter Lee

201 Arch Road
Aguadilla, PR 00603-1100
United States


School Contacts

Name Position Phone
504 Coordinator 504 Coordinator 939-333-5480
Charlene Acosta Teacher Math 939-333-5480
Dr. Ada Aldarondo Teacher ELA 939-333-5480
Elyvette Aldarondo Teacher Special Education 939-333-5480
Jennifer Anderson Teacher Social Studies 939-333-5480
Christopher Anderson Information Specialist (Librarian) K-12 939-333-5480
Jose Aquino School Meals Program Cafeteria Manager 939-333-5480
Estarlin Arguedas Teacher MLP 939-333-5480
Pebbles Arroyo Teacher 939-333-5480
Dr. Rue Avant Teacher Art 939-333-5480
Jorge Batiz Transportation Supervisor 939-333-5480
Krystel Beniquez Teacher Special Education 939-333-5480
Annette Canabal Educational Technologist 939-333-5480
Naomi Canabal Speech-Language Pathologist 939-333-5480
Oscar Colon Teacher CTE 939-333-5480
Ivelisse Colon Teacher Special Education 939-333-5480
Darcy Desarden Teacher MLP 939-333-5480
Joalis Diaz Teacher Math 939-333-5480
Yolanda Echevarria Teacher Spanish/AVID 939-333-5480
Magaly Feliciano Teacher 939-333-5480
Katia Gonzalez Occupational Therapist 939-333-5480
Nicole Gonzalez Teacher PSCD 939-333-5480
Anupama Gowda Nurse 939-333-5480
Carolyn Maldonado Teacher Math 939-333-5480
Maritza Montalvo Teacher 939-333-5480
Jose Morales Teacher P.E. 939-333-5480
Lydia Otero Teacher Science 939-333-5480
Julia Portela Teacher MLP 939-333-5480
Tim Proskauer Teacher Social Studies 939-333-5480
David Quinones Teacher Music 939-333-5480
Dennis Rabbie Assessor Special Education 939-333-5480
Jannise Ramirez Teacher CTE 939-333-5480
Angela Ramirez Teacher Science 939-333-5480
Ingrid Rapatz Teacher AAPS-RT 939-333-5480
Ivon Rivera Teacher 939-333-5480
Aileen Rivera Teacher 939-333-5480
Dessire Robles-Rios Teacher ELA 939-333-5480
Herald Roettger Teacher Science 939-333-5480
Joalies Rosa Torres Teacher Special Education 939 333-5480
Yvette Rosado School Counselor Elementary 939-333-5480
Carmen Rosado Teacher 939-333-5480
Dr. Lidia Scinski Teacher 939-333-5480
Terra Smith Teacher ELA 939-333-5480
Dr. Glory Soto Teacher ELA 939-333-5480
Kimberly Thurman Teacher PE 939-333-5480
Maria Valerio School Counselor 6-12 939-333-5480
Rosanne Vargas Teacher 939-333-5480
Johane Villanueva Teacher Special Education 939-333-5480
Jolene Villanueva Teacher 939-333-5480
Webmaster Webmaster 939-333-5480

School Hours

School Hours Regular Hours Wednesday Hours
Office Hours 7:00 am - 3:30 pm 7:00 am - 3:30 pm
Students 7:30 am - 2:30 pm 7:30 am - 1:30 pm

Wednesdays are Early Release days

Cafeteria Hours Start End
Breakfast 7:15 am 7:30 am
Lunch 10:47 am 12:55 pm
Lunch (Early Release) 10:20 am 12:55 pm

Arrival Dismissal Procedures

Arrival/Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures

Pedestrian Gate (PreK – 5th Grade, students with special needs)

Main Gate (Grades 6-12)

  • PSCD/PreK/Kinder/Special Needs parents may park near the track and walk up to the gate to drop off/pick-up their child.  
  • 1st – 5th grade parents will remain in the car line and drop off/pick-up their child(ren) when their car approaches the gate.  
  • Pre-arrangement must be made if a parent needs to enter the gate and ID verification is mandatory.  
  • We prefer all parents to use the main parking lot for pre-arranged meetings.
  • The front gate is closed to all visitors, except staff until 7:00 a.m.
  • Students should not arrive before 7:15 a.m.
  • K-2nd grade students need to report to the playground area after eating breakfast (weather permitting). Students will be escorted by a staff member to their classrooms prior to the beginning of the instructional day.
  • 3rd – 5th grade students need to report to the gymnasium after eating breakfast. Students will be escorted by a staff member to their classrooms prior to the beginning of the instructional day.
  • 6th – 8th grade students need to report to the basketball courts after eating breakfast.
  • 9th – 12th grade students need to report to the picnic tables/locker area after eating breakfast.
  • Students arriving after 7:35 a.m. need to report to the office and will be considered tardy.
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