School Activities
Chess ClubChoirComputer ClubCraft ClubDramaForensicsDramaGeography BeeGreen TeamIntramural SportsMath CountsNational Honor Society (NHS)National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)Robotics ClubSpelling BeeSTEM ClubStudent Government
Awards The Ramey Athletic Awards Ceremony is held on three occasions annually at the end of each sports season. Additionally, in combination with the spring athletic awards, a banquet will be held and we will honor all athletes who participated in Ra...
AcademicStudent athletes must have a cumulative 2.0 grade average and must have no more than one "F" during a nine week quarter marking period. Grades used to determine eligibility will be recorded on report cards. Grades used to determine ineligibil...
Representing Ramey School and/or participating in extra-curricular activities are both a privilege and a responsibility. Any student participating in extra-curricular activities is expected to:maintain a minimum of 2.00 GPAnot be failing more than on...
MedicalA medical exam (athletic physical) and parental permission are required for all student athletes, and should be on file in the nurse's office and with each coach prior to participation in any school try-out, practice, scrimmage or game. We s...
TravelTravel to away games will require that students are excused from classes, but they are expected to make up any work missed and must adhere to scheduled due dates for assignments.Students are expected to travel in school vehicles during athletic...