Dear Bomber Families, students and athletes,
This year, as we slowly move in the direction of a normal school year, we want to focus our energies on the emotional well-being of all our stakeholders: from the newest member in pre-kindergarten, to our most seasoned staff member, to our families and friends all over the globe. This year we want to reignite that spirit that defines the Ramey Family and to once again, in-person, ensure that this school is more than just a place of learning, but also a place where everyone feels safe, respected and recognized.
It is no small feat that Ramey has cultivated this sense of belonging over the years and has maintained its well-earned reputation for excellence, not only academically, but also emotionally, and socially, as well. To be a member of the Ramey School is to be a part of something bigger than just the physical boundaries of the buildings and grounds. To be a part of the Ramey School is to become a member of an extended family that not only honors its past and the rich history of its origins, but also, looks well into the future, charting its assured successes and further defining its legacy. I am proud to be a member of this family, and regardless of where one goes, the experiences Ramey provides and the feelings it invokes last, however so slight they may become, for a lifetime.
I am amazed to receive phone calls from past graduates (some from as long ago as the 60s) asking about past teachers, current sports, or just to see if the school is still in existence. These graduates, unknown to me, are nevertheless a connection to Ramey’s past and are a foundation for its future. The legacy of Ramey is long and storied.
This year, we can celebrate the return of some sports to our school as well as some other activities. This year will be a celebration of the Ramey Spirit and a recognition of the resiliency of ALL our Stakeholders. Although there will still be some restrictions and some things may look familiar from the processes last year, we are nonetheless seeking out opportunities to recognize the achievements of or students, staff and parents. The PTSO will be much more visible this year and hopefully, will continue to grow; opportunities to be a part of the School Advisory Committee will allow more voices to be heard; students will be recognized not only for academic achievement but also for being good citizens; and any opportunities to celebrate what makes Ramey a great place to be will be seized with gusto.
I hope that my words, fervent as they may seem, are not taken as mere hyperbole. Ramey is special. It is unique. It is memorable. Together, students, staff, parents and all others who share our common interests and goals, can build upon the foundations that have been placed by those before us and increase the legacy of Ramey for those members of our extended family in the near and distant future.
Let’s make this school year a great one!